
How To Resize Brushes In Photoshop

When you lot're working with the Brush Tool in Photoshop, you lot'll demand to know how to change the castor size quickly. There are various ways to change the size of your brush, but the best mode to do it is with the steps outlined below.

The easiest style to change the brush size in Photoshop is to employ the [ or ] keys on your keyboard. The left subclass key volition calibration the brush up in size, while the right bracket key will decrease the size. This handy shortcut works well to apace change your brush size every bit you piece of work.

Now, this doesn't fifty-fifty encompass the tip of the iceberg. There are several other ways to change the brush size in Photoshop, using keyboard shortcuts, your mouse, and good old fashion manual sliders. No matter what your style is, there'due south a brush resizing shortcut you'll love, and this post shares all of them. Let's get started!

3 Best Ways To Change The Brush Size In Photoshop

Below are 3 of the all-time ways to alter brush sizes, starting with the most versatile option.

one. Irresolute The Castor Size With Your Mouse

This beginning method varies slightly depending on whether you employ a Mac or PC. On a Mac, this shortcut is Selection + Control + Click & Drag Horizontally.On a PC, the shortcut is Alt + Right Click + Drag Horizontally.

When dragging to the left using this shortcut, the brush will increase in size. By dragging to the right, the brush will subtract in size. This is one of the fastest ways to change the brush size while you work, just it takes some shortcut memorization.

To sweeten the bargain, you can as well change the brush feather using the same shortcut. Rather than dragging left or right, yous tin elevate up or downwardly to change the castor'south softness. You can easily tell how your brush will expect based on the red highlight that appears when using this shortcut.

two. Changing The Castor Size With Your Keyboard

The 2nd fashion of changing the brush size doesn't allow you to modify the brush'southward feather, simply it works well for quickly scaling your castor. By pressing the [ or ] keys on your keyboard, you can quickly increment or decrease the size of any brush in Photoshop. To make life even easier, you lot can hold down either of these keys to scale big amounts with less try.

3. Using The Brush Preset Panel To Modify The Brush Size

The third and final way to modify your brush size is with the sliders found within the Castor Preset Panel. You lot can access this panel in one of two places. The outset is in the upper settings bar when the Brush Tool (B) is active. By opening this panel and adjusting the Size slider, you can easily brand manual adjustments or blazon in precise values.

Alternatively, you tin open this same console in your canvas while you piece of work. While your brush tool is agile, right-click on your canvas to open the brush presets panel. Hither you tin can once again change the size slider and rapidly change the size of your brush.

With both of these methods, you can also utilize the hardness sliders to alter your brush'southward feather on the fly.

How To Change The Default Brush Size In Photoshop

You may find yourself using a certain brush size regularly and would love to take that size ready to your default setting. Unfortunately, you can't set a default brush size across all your brushes, but you tin create a default brush size for individual brushes.

To set a default brush size in Photoshop, open the Castor Settings panel and option the desired size for your brush. Then click on the hamburger menu and choose "New Brush Preset." In the dialogue box that appears, bank check off the "Capture Brush Size In Preset" option and click OK to salve the brush. At present you have a default size saved for your new brush.

Depending on your workspace, the Brush Settings Panel may not exist in your toolbar. If that'south the instance, go upward to Window > Castor Settings to reveal the panel.

The settings shown in your brush panel will vary depending on the brush you have selected. Once you brand any adjustments to the castor in the brush settings panel, they'll be practical to your active brush, but they won't be saved. That's why after you arrange the size of the brush, y'all need to create a new brush preset.

Clicking on the hamburger menu and going to "New Castor Preset," y'all tin can salvage your current settings as a new castor to use later on.

A new dialogue box will appear, allowing you to rename your new brush if y'all wish. The about important part hither is that you check off the "Capture Brush Size in Preset" pick. Without this, you volition not take a default size saved for your new brush.

After the brush is saved, it will appear every bit a new brush at the bottom of the Castor Preset Console. Now when y'all select that item brush, no thing your prior brush size settings, it volition reset the castor size back to the default value y'all've chosen.

So now y'all know iii different ways to change the brush size in Photoshop, along with a helpful pick to fix a default brush size for new brushes. The right resizing shortcut will depend on your editing style, but I prefer the click and drag option the most. Since you lot tin alter the brush size and hardness all in one click, information technology'southward the almost efficient way of doing things.

With that said, remembering some keyboard shortcuts can be challenging, so the [ or ] keys and the Castor Preset Panel offering some other worthy alternatives to castor resizing.

Since you've mastered changing your castor size in Photoshop, let's put those skills to use and learn how to edit photos in Photoshop!

Happy Editing!

Brendan 🙂


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