
How To Faux Distress Dark Paint

You've probably worn blue jeans that came already broken in from the factory, complete with bald spots in all the right places. Turns out yous tin take a like approach to giving wood furniture an anile finish—fast. But instead of pumice stones and bleach, some matte paint and a petty sandpaper exercise the sorry. The trick is to put down two coats of colour—ideally a light one followed past a darker one—then selectively sand the edges, corners, and contours where natural wear would occur, revealing the paler base coat. Sand a trivial more to reveal glimpses of unpainted wood to farther the issue.

Stride 1

Overview for Faux-Aged Paint Finish

Photo past Wendell T. Webber

Here, decorative painter Ingrid Leess used the technique to add depth and interest to a big blank armoire. "It works best when at that place are end details, like molding, which advise the slice has a past," she points out. In other words, information technology's easy to make an ornate mirror look timeworn but less convincing to turn a streamlined Parsons table into a find with a treasured painted patina.

Another plus: There'due south no need to prep the surface earlier y'all commencement painting. Any imperfections that could cause the paint to flake off will only add to the piece'southward authentic history—as faux equally it may be.

Shown: Two coats and two colors of paint—Behr'due south Sonata over White Truffle—cover the exterior of this armoire. Sanding the finish in spots lets the lighter i testify through.

Step 2

Finish the Interior

Photo by Wendell T. Webber

Wipe downward the inside with a damp material to remove whatever dust or dirt. If it's actually grimy, use a degreaser. Comprehend the insides of the doors and chiffonier with primer, using a disposable chip brush and curt, erratic strokes. Keep the brush pretty dry; you want the undercoat to peek through to give the interior a clean yet worn appearance.

Step 3

Paint Both Coats

Photo by Wendell T. Webber

Using a scrap brush, paint the entire exterior with a light base-coat color in a apartment cease. Go in the direction of the grain, but you lot don't need to be too fussy about the brushstrokes. Once the base coat is dry, lightly apply a darker top glaze, over again in a matte finish. Be conscientious not to overload the brush.

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Sand to Finish

Photograph past Wendell T. Webber

Wait two days to allow the paint to dry out completely. Using a medium-grit sanding sponge, scuff corners, edges, and details where the piece would naturally evidence wear, letting the underlayer of pigment—and even a scrap of raw wood—peek through in spots. Continue until you go the distressed look yous want.

Tip: Unless the piece is destined for a damp location, such as a bath or a laundry room, don't clear-coat the painted finish. Any added sheen just takes away from the anile look.


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