
How To Paint Metallic Colors In Photoshop

Method of drawing metal effects in Adobe Photoshop

How do I represent the metallic on the picture? Nobody found till now the all-time way of representing the metal surfaces. I advise you one of the ways. I work in the Adobe Photoshop CS.

Because picturing only the metal is a boring affair, I'll try to represent it on the soldier'south armor. The kickoff step includes outlining the picture. Do it on a new layer. I've tried to represent also the character's silhouette and his face.

Adobe Photoshop metallic paint

Double the layer with the soldier's drawing. On the cloned layer we should insert a neutral color, applied with big smears. The upper layer, containing the black-white outlining and Opacity of twoscore% should be changed on Multiply. We may easily now add the effect of volume on the layer, containing the colored smears and not to exist afraid to lose the picture. Use a usual brush of circumvolve shape and Flow of fifty% . On this stage information technology's necessary to divide the shape on different surfaces. Merge downwards those ii upper layers.

Adobe Photoshop metallic paint

Now we have to start to create the metal surfaces effects, but firstly nosotros demand to determine the background's and the soldier's color. Insert the book, by applying the same brush. If you'll get on the picture several errors when picturing the metal, don't worry, it's even indicated to accept them, considering they'll make the metal await more natural. Insert the knight in a cavern, where the 24-hour interval calorie-free falls from behind, only the calorie-free coming from the fire, illuminates the soldier'due south face. The cave is situated on the background'south layer and the shape is outlined. Y'all may outset adding the details.

Adobe Photoshop metallic paint

Change after that the brush'south parameters. Set the Soft Lite choice (I use to modify the blending style of the brush, but we may likewise create a new layer, setting the parameters for it and picturing on this layer with a brush of Normal option). The effect will be close to ours, merely a niggling unlike anyway. Start painting the soldier'southward armor. The colour may be dissimilar from what you've expected, only sometimes it is even more indicated. The metallic surface finally starts to appear.

Adobe Photoshop metallic paint

It'due south better to identify the sword on a different shoulder. Draw the flares and the reflexes on this phase, using a brush of Soft Light regime. The brush I have chosen is textured, fabricated of clouds. Utilise different nuances on the metallic surfaces. The flares may exist drawn likewise in dissimilar ways. My method includes using a hard brush of Soft Light authorities or the Dodge Tool in the Highlight authorities. Starting time applying piece of cake brush's motions on the armor. On the flexions and on the prominent places must exist introduced brighter flares. I communication yous to brand experiments with the colour'south regimes, a long fourth dimension I have just ignored. Sometimes they give a splendid event ? fifty-fifty unplanned one. Try them. This fourth dimension I have chosen the Soft Light. Speaking about the background, create a new layer and use on it a brush of big texture. Stretch it out vertically, give it the necessary parameters and set up the Multiply regime on it and an Opacity of 50% . Everything you lot exercise, yous may do considering information technology appropriate for you. Merge downwards the layers containing the background and the texture and utilize on the new layer a brush of hard shapes to outline the necessary elements. Apply the Curves option, because we need a cold solar day illumination coming from behind the soldier.

Adobe Photoshop metallic paint

The concluding stage. Select the Sponge Tool and apply it on the steel surfaces which are not included in the illumination. Utilise at present the Unshurp Mask filter to increase the picture's precision. Don't endeavour to smoothen out the metallic surface, considering it will kill all the metal'southward liveliness, but this way the metal looks real and live.

Adobe Photoshop metallic paint

I hope that the soldier's appearance turned out well. You lot may retrieve now of picturing the dragon ;)!

Author: CG-Warrior


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